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Career in Artificial Intelligence

In a very simple language, artificial intelligence is intelligence of the Machines, their capacity of simulating human behavior. Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. Some of the activities computers with artificial intelligence are designed to include: Speech recognition.

How does Artificial Intelligence Work?

Artificial intelligence uses machine learning to copy human intelligence. The computer has to learn how to respond to certain actions, so it uses algorithms and historical data to create something called a propensity model.

Propensity models will then start making predictions (like scoring leads or something).

AI can do much more than this, but those are common uses and functionality for marketing. And while it might seem like the machines are ready to rise up and take over, humans are still needed to do much of the work.

Mainly, we use AI to save us time — adding people to email automation and allowing the AI to do much of the work while we work on other tasks.

How to Start a Career in Artificial Intelligence? Here is a step by step guide to kick start your career: Understand the AI Career Landscape:

While starting a career in any field, you need to have extensive knowledge about your chosen field. Choosing a field without educating yourself or having a basic knowledge will be a blunder. Has a deep understanding of what AI is and what its subsets are.

Prerequisites for learning Artificial Intelligence:

1. Stronghold on Mathematics and Algorithms.

2. Physics, engineering and robotics.

3. Strong knowledge of Computer science, programming languages and coding.

4. Python/C++/R/Java.

5. Probability and Statistics.

Consider Relevant Courses:

Strengthen your skills in artificial intelligence by taking the best online course, attending conferences, and tutorials like:

* AI & Deep Learning with Tensorflow.

* Deep Learning Specialization.

Learn popular languages used in AI technology:

Python is the most popular language in Artificial intelligence technology and also become an expert in writing codes in languages such as Python, R, Ruby, etc. Polish your skills in C++ and Javascript.

Learn How to Translate Business Problems:

If you are aspiring to become Machine learning / AI Engineer then understand business problems besides enhancing your technical aspects. You will be required to solve business problems to transform them into machine learning algorithms and without understanding the issue, you won’t be able to survive.

Work with Machine Learning Algorithms and Libraries:

Time to acquaint yourself with the popular machine learning libraries such as Tensor Flow and Sci-kit learn. This will help you create better data and predictive models and understand what kind of model works for the applications.

Get yourself Certified:

A credible certificate brings in a plethora of opportunities and makes you land your dream job in no time. All you need is- A determination to give your mind a boost to emerge victorious in the growing field of AI and ML. AI Certifications are a great way to get recognized by the employers as they provide your credibility and your knowledge in the field.

What Are AI (Artificial Intelligence) Salaries in India.? The median Salary for an AI professional in India is Rs 14.3 lakhs per annum.

The entry-level salary is about Rs 6 lakhs per annum. Mid and senior-level executives could earn more than Rs 50 lakh per annum.

However, this is across qualifications, skills and experience. Apart from measuring the salaries, it is important to understand the intricacies and the scope of this subject in the country and globally.

Machine Learning is basically is a combination of intelligent algorithms that makes the machines to learn without been necessarily programmed for it. The objective function is an equation which maps the inputs to outputs and tells us which independent variables influence the dependent variable. Many recent technologies by the leading tech firms of the world have proven that Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning are the future and have the capability of solving many real-world problems.

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