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2019 React Conferences Highlights

Both conferences were well organized and I liked both of them a lot. React Amsterdam is probably the biggest React conference with about 1400 attendees this year. React Finland is much smaller with only 400 attendees, but personally, I enjoyed it more since 1. it was less stressful for me and 2. it’s spread over 2 days so I had a chance to watch more talks, chat with other speakers and attendees and even visit a sauna.

Additionally, what makes ReactFinland special, is the concept of “topics” — pairs of related talks that complement each other — which they introduced this year.

I want to focus on the topic that’s close to my heart: design systems and styling on the web.

On the first day of ReactFinland, I had the honor to kick off the “Design Systems” section with my talk “A common language. Let designers and developers talk to each other”. I gave the same talk at React Amsterdam 2 weeks ago and it’s my take on using UI primitives as a common language between designers and developers.

As a takeaway of Artem’s talk, I would highlight: we should stop writing CSS in our application code because it’s too expressive. Instead, we should use primitive components.

I’d like to highlight 2 more talks related to design systems from both conferences.

I recently built a component library for one of my clients using TypeScript and I’m totally sold on the idea of using statically typed language for design systems.

Tejas, Artem and I already discussed about how we can allow and make such integrations easier in styleguidist. That’s the biggest value of going conferences: so much can be discussed in so little time when you’re in the same room!

Both conferences were great and I can recommend visiting both. If you’re looking for a bigger crowd, go Amsterdam. If you like smaller conferences, visit Finland. Both are well worth attending.

Stay tuned!

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