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How the Modern World Increases Your Likelihood of Mental Illness.

How society is making you crazy, and what to do

Mental health problems have become so common. Everyone has had their share of anxiety and depression. The world is more prosperous than it has ever been. But while our problems may no longer be material, they’ve become mental Here are the collective beliefs inducing this problem.

Today, everyone is free to become successful. We believe we can get anything with the right talents and work ethic. The downside is that when we don’t achieve these ideals, we don’t see it as a misfortune but lack of talent and laziness.

But success doesn’t only depend on talent and hard work — It is more random than you think. You might be as hardworking or talented as Elon Musk, but you may never be as rich as he is. This is because of your different backgrounds and privileges.

This doesn’t mean you personalize your failures and give up on your pursuit. It is more reason to be resilient. Because it’s in your pursuit, you find peace.

The more individualistic we become, the tougher it is for us. We believe we’re all built for a grand solo mission. And we don’t need anyone. And because of this, being an employee or instrumental to someone else’s destiny makes you feel like a loser.

Not everyone was born to lead on a grand scale. For some men, leading your family is all you should care about. Contributing to someone else’s victory is also a victory. Helping your children become great is also a victory.

The more society trivializes God, the more empty we feel. We need a higher power to trust and cast our cares to.

All the media does is share bad news. You don’t necessarily need to know about the daily struggles of people 200,000 miles away. Because even with your peaceful immediate environment, the bad news abroad will give you anxiety.

Modern society has sold us a perfectionist society: The perfect body. Perfect family. Perfect house. Perfect career. Perfect holiday. But this is a lie. Nothing is perfect. There are cracks everywhere. And striving for perfection causes mental stress.

Peace comes with accepting the imperfections — which is an integral part of life. Peace comes with trusting God. Peace comes with not personalizing failure. Peace comes with having a communal mindset.

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