Is Your System Stateful or Stateless?

How to define state? What makes your system stateful or stateless? Learn about 3 common architectures and decide.


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The topic this week is ‘Everyware’. Adam Greenfield said that ‘Everyware is information processing embedded in the objects and surfaces of everyday life’. It seems to me that this word is more of a generalization of a whole new way of life. It is a model that integrates the internet, media, devices, users and other common objects in life. Any objects could become a part of ‘Everyware’ such as mobile phone, watch, loudspeakers, and even lamp bulbs in our house. These objects somehow connect each other, share information and react automatically for some particular purposes. This idea, which was conceived decades ago, seems to have been realized to some extent today. For example, to previous electrical appliances, TV remote control cannot control the air conditioner, the light switch cannot operate the curtain. All household appliances are independent of each other, without any connection. But now smart home products have appeared in ordinary people’s lives and change people’s way of life. In the beginning, the main players of the smart home are traditional home appliance manufacturers. The biggest improvement of their experience is that some home appliances have an operating system with more powerful and convenient functions. The typical product is smart TV. Also, people can connect their mobile phones to various devices through the wireless network, and use their mobile phones to set the functions of various devices so that they can perform the appropriate functions at the right time. For example, users can set the lights and curtains in the room to be turned on when the alarm goes off, and the intensity of the lights can be automatically adjusted according to the real-time. It’s a wireless connection between an alarm clock, a light bulb, a curtain, and a smartphone. This form of smart devices is nothing new, and many technology companies around the world have launched products related to it, such as Xiaomi’s Yeelight smart light bulbs and routers and amazon’s smart speakers Echo. Furthermore, with the development and application of AI technology, people’s ability to integrate various devices and products has been further strengthened. As tech companies move in, driven by AI technology and controlled by voice and sensors, home appliances are becoming smarter, able to adapt and evolve to the needs of their users.

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